
Poor VIP :(

Thirteen days before the Bigbang Alive Tour and I'm still trying to persuade my mom and dad to let me watch the concert. And looking ...

Thirteen days before the Bigbang Alive Tour and I'm still trying to persuade my mom and dad to let me watch the concert. And looking at it, I only have a 50% chance of seeing my KPOP bias perform. Huhuhu. 

Honestly, I've already decided not to attend the concert and just lock myself up in the cupboard.  But upon reading all the BBPH's mission, I told myself that I need to be there and be part of that event.

So now, I'm still hoping that luck will be with me and my parents will change their decision. Or else, me and namja chingu will do our evil plan. Kidding!

*crossing my finger

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