
Omi's Review: Kiss Me Thai!

I must really like Aom Suchar and Mike D. Angelo as a couple because I decided to write another review (even thought the drama is still ...

I must really like Aom Suchar and Mike D. Angelo as a couple because I decided to write another review (even thought the drama is still on-going) of their latest lakorn - Kiss Me.

kiss me thai
photo from Aom's IG update

Kiss Me is the Thai version of the hit Itazura na Kiss. This is the fourth remake Kaoru Tada's shoujo manga. I bet that drama fanatics already know that the first live TV series was shown in Japan on the year 1996. Then the manga's biggest hit was Taiwan's version, It Started with a Kiss (2005-2006) followed by its sequel They Kiss Again (2007-2008). Korea's Playful Kiss last 2010 was next. Fans got excited again after another Japanese live version of the hit manga was decided - Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo 1 and 2 (2013 and 2015). And while stalking Mike D. Angelo's Instagram account, a photo with the cast was posted. I honestly did not understand a thing on his post. But his tag 'kissme_thai' confirmed that it will be another sequel of the hit.

kiss me thai
versions from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Thailand

The Thai series started last October 5 and will run for 20 episodes. It has also been confirmed that a second season will be aired next year. I just finished watching 10 episodes in one seating (thanks to the subbers). And I must say that this version is good.

Kiss me Thai's plot is a bit different from the other versions. I thought that I might get disappointed with the twist they made, but not. By the way, for those who want a quick synopsis of the drama, here you go:
Taliw (Aom) and Tenten (MikeD) grew up together like twins. Taliw even thought that Tenten was a girl. But Tenten accidentally revealed that he's a boy , that Taliw got disgusted and no longer wants to play with him. Years later, Tenten came back with his family from abroad and was revealed to be a genius with an IQ of 200. However, Taliw grew up to be the opposite. Yet a very cheerful and pretty highschooler, she's a bit o a slow-learner. They met again at Haro International school and became classmates. But because of an unfortunate event, she (together with his dad) was forced to live with his father's bestfriend, who happens to be Tenten's. 
I'm really glad that they got Aom and Mike again on this drama. I guess their version of Full House was a hit then. These two really has chemistry! Aom portrayed her character well as a cute and refreshing girl. While Mike (looked like Jack Frost) is still as hot as ever. I wish they're a real couple (although Mike already has a kid, I guess my ship can still sail right?). The on-screen and off-screen sweetness of these two celebrities is unbearable! This is the same feeling I had when I watched the Taiwanese version. Yes. I'm still shipping Joe Chen and Ariel Lin until now.

kiss me thai
AoMike during Kiss Me Thai's  public press con. photo from their Facebook account.

The supporting cast really did well. All of them suits well with the required scenes. I like her girl friends more on this version. They are not too girly and they're funny as well. Oh by the way, if you've seen A Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Peaw was also part of the supporting cast. King, who has unrequited love for Taliw, is way better than the other versions. I'm glad that they did not make him as stupid as the other remakes did. And by the way, he's good looking.

kiss me thai
The supporting cast with AoMike. photo grabbed from Kiss Me Thai's official FB

By the way, the OST are also eargasmic. It's just too hard to sing along because I don't speak Thai :)

I know it's too early to make a review, but I believe that this lakorn will be a hit as well. To be candid with, I think this version is better than the Korean and Japanese versions. I just hope that they'll stick with the drama's momentum and will not be dragging.

So if you still haven't seen this series, check the official trailer below, and see for your self.

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  1. I LOVE AOMIKE! I'm happy as well that they have another drama. By the way, have you seen the Hashima Project? They're also the leads of that movie

    1. Hi!

      Me too! I love AoMike! It all started after watching their remake of Full House.
      I only saw the trailer. But I don't have the courage to watch the movie because I'm not into Thai horror films. But I'll try soon ^_^

      Thanks for dropping by!

    2. Hahaha. You can ask your boyfriend or friends to watch the movie together.

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