
ONK Do-It-Yourself Crafts

I'm starting to practice do-it-yourself crafts which I plan to use for my 2016 wedding. I know that it will not be easy but I think it...

I'm starting to practice do-it-yourself crafts which I plan to use for my 2016 wedding. I know that it will not be easy but I think it will be more personalized and cheaper than buying or ordering it from suppliers.

So here's a list of the DIY crafts I'm planing to create:

1. Wedding Bouquet 
I really want to have a felt and brooch bouquet. Unlike the usual flowers, I can preserve it not be worried of it getting withered. And because I'm such a huge Big Bang fanatic, fiance suggested to use their lightstick as a bouquet and just put embellishments on it. I love the idea but I'm having doubts that I can pull it off.
Wedding bouquet peg grabbed from Pinterest

2. Wedding Invitation
I'm currently loving all those watercolor / calligraphy invitation I see on Pinterest. And since I'm artsy enough to create such design, I've decided to have the same. I've been practicing creating floral designs since last week and it's as not easy as it seems. In addition to that, I still suck at doing calligraphy! I think I really need to attend a workshop this year :(

But if ever luck does not come my way, I'll just create my designs in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. My only concern was the printing. I really need a reliable printer that can print the output as what is seen on the screen.

Version 1: Sample floral designs for my invitation. 
I was able to score a preloved CriCut trimmer which can be used for my invitation.

3. Corsages and Boutonnieres
I'll be doing my felt bouquet, so why not create the corsages and boutonnieres as well. To be honest, creating the felt flowers are easy. All you need is a nice pattern, scissors and glue gun and you are good. See below for some of my practice creations.

Felt peonies (not our wedding color

paper roses

4. Stage Backdrop
I think this will be the hardest part of my DIY. I've tried making backdrops before (the first time was during our 2014 New Year's celebration). But it was just a simple backdrop for our DIY photobooth which were made from recycled materials. However, for my wedding, it will be different. I want it to be as beautiful as possible. So best of luck to me on this one.

5. Thank You Cards
This one will be pretty easy. I can just make either a handwritten or digital thank you cards for the event. I even made one for my highschool friend's wedding last January 17 and she loved it.

Grant and Belle Thank You card for the souvenirs

There you go! I still have 564 days to go to gather the materials and to prepare all these DIYs. And to all those DIY brides like me, all the best to us.

Happy Preps!

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  1. Do you have a link on how to do that kind of bouquet? It's too nice. Thank you

    1. Hi Koibito! I'm not sure. Don't worry. I'll post the link as soon as I found one :)


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