
Whoa! How I missed this blog!   How are you coping up with the recent events? We are now in the third quarter of the year and we've been...

Whoa! How I missed this blog! 
How are you coping up with the recent events? We are now in the third quarter of the year and we've been through a hella lot of catastrophes. I do hope that you are all doing safe and fine despite of the pandemic we are battling right now.

I haven't posted anything here (I actually have pending posts here that I can't seem to finish) because for the past months, we were busy renovating the house and I gave birth to a cute daughter. I'm also having difficulty multi-tasking from being a work-from-home mom slash blogger slash artist. In addition to that, my laptop started to act weird. Luckily, I was able to purchase a refurbished laptop which I'm using now.

To be honest, it's really tough living day by day in this trying times. Embracing the normal is not easy.
I've been living in fear since the lock-down that I or a family member might catch the virus. I've been trying to cope up with stress and anxieties by watching series and movies, doing art illustrations, online shopping, and many more. These, to keep me sane.

Anyway, I do hope I'll be able to complete my long overdue posts. So for now, I'll be sharing this quote to lift up our spirits.

May this be a reminder that in this trying times, there is always HOPE.
And with GOD, we can all get through this!

Nuku Nuku Regular

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