

EXO'LUXION  UPDATE (12-04-2015):  Pulp Live World finally released the seat plan and ticket prices!!! This beautiful creatures ...

EXO'LUXION UPDATE (12-04-2015): Pulp Live World finally released the seat plan and ticket prices!!!

This beautiful creatures will make your heart go wild this January 2016! Who's excited?
Photo credits to Pulp Live World
Please note that the photo was taken from Ms. Happee Sy's Facebook account.
The photo was edited by yours truly and ticket prices with charges were included for convenience.

Ticket Prices:
VIP Floor A, B, C: Php 12,500 + ticketing charge = Php 13,250
VIP Seated: Php 12,500 + ticketing charge = Php 13,250
Lower Box A: Php 10,000 + ticketing charge = Php 10,600
Lower Box B: Php 8,000 + ticketing charge = Php 8,480
Upper Box A: Php 5,500 + ticketing charge = Php 5,830
Upper Box B: Php 4,500 + ticketing charge = Php 4,770
General Admission A: Php 3,500 + ticketing charge = Php 3,710
General Admission B: Php 2,500 + ticketing charge = Php 2,650
Kindly follow this link to get more details about the event.

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