
VIXX Live Fantasia Utopia in Manila Public Press Conference

After more than a month of spazzing over Korea's tallest boy group, VIXX, I'm now ready to share my Utopia Public Presscon expe...

After more than a month of spazzing over Korea's tallest boy group, VIXX, I'm now ready to share my Utopia Public Presscon experience.

Last May 1st, Pinoy Starlights rushed to SM Fairview's event center to see Cha Hakyeon (N), Jung Taekwoon (Leo), Lee Jaehwan (Ken), Kim Wonsik (Ravi), Lee Hongbin (Hongbin) and Han Sang Hyuk (Hyuk) (more collectively known as VIXX) for their first ever mall appearance here in the country. Fans lined up even before the malls opening to have a nice view of their idols.

Arriving at the venue at around 3 in the afternoon, the event center was jampacked with Starlight PH hopefuls. Geared with their cameras and phones, fans waited patiently for their idols while VIXX's hits were being played. "I do" couple grand winners Kring and Jimmy Kim hosted the pre-event to entertain the fans.

After a couple of minutes, the boys arrived. Everyone went wild as they headed to the stage while waving to the fans. We (I'm with my 남자친구) were at the third floor and although I can see it, younger fans were delirious and crazily screaming over the boys.

To be honest, the only member I know on that group (that time) was Hongbin. I want to know them better during their interview. However, the fans were too energized and could not stop screaming. Tsk tsk tsk. I even noticed that most of them (the members) were quite disappointed with how PH fans acted during the public presscon. They were too loud! And I'm a 101% sure that when they come back here in Manila, they will no longer hold a public event. Yes. Just like when CNBLUE visited us last year. Anyway, I can not blame the fans. How can you control yourself if these heavenly beings are standing in front you? Well, I guess you should  try to be cool at least (hahaha I doubt!).

The event ended with the awarding of the dance cover winners. Finally, I was able to see them smile. It must be a tiring day as well for these boys. Travelling from Korea and going straight to the venue must be exhausting.
It was too unfortunate the I was not able to attend their concert the next day. So I promised to watch their concert when they come back.

PS: Sharing also some fancams. 미안헤 for the shaky video as the girls in front of my 엽오 spazzed too much.

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