
The CNBlue Public Press Con Experience

A public press conference was held last June 14 at SM Megamall’s Event Center. Hearing that it’s free for all, I‘ve expected that Boices w...

A public press conference was held last June 14 at SM Megamall’s Event Center. Hearing that it’s free for all, I‘ve expected that Boices will rush to the venue even before the mall opens. And guess what? Fangirls and Fanboys were already queuing at SM Megamall A’s different entry points.

When the clock finally hits 10am, the guards opened the gates and the fans started running to the event center to fall in line (imagine they were being chased by zombies). And whoa! The line was already long when I got there. So I tried looking for a nice spot. I went to the other side of the stage but the guard pushed me away. Went to the second floor but I can’t find a better spot. Finally, I got a nice view of the stage right in front of Toy Kingdom. However, when my friend arrived, she wanted us to be inside the mosh pit. So I left my spot and went inside the battlefield. Yeah! Bring it on baby!

Got a really nice view here. And I was hoping that rowdy fans will not get in my way.
Patiently waiting for the boys. If only they were as behave as they were once the boys arrived.

Few hours before the event starts, it was not yet as crowded. We tried to push ourselves in front just to see the boys. Hmmm, we were like four rows away from the barricade. Then an event staff instructed all of us to sit down. I like this idea for us to see the CNBlue members clearly. And it will also leave an impression that Filipino Boices are nice and calm.



Everyone was all seated calmly. But that moment when a staff started giving out ‘Happy BirthdayYongHwa’ banners and blue roses (I think) to the fans on the front liners, the ones at the back all stood up and rushed in front while some of us were still seating. Fans got WILD and UNRULY just for those banners and flowers. They don’t even care if they hurt someone.WHAT THE EFFF! Thanks to the girls who helped us get up from the floor. If not because of them, we might end up in the hospital. In the end, we remained standing.


I can hardly breathe in my spot. My thighs and feet are aching and I’m sweating all over. I can’t properly eat my brunch (which was just crackers and a pack of Yakult, by the way). Then I suddenly received a text message from a co-writer at KPop Campus. Our Editor-in-chief was asking where I was. Kyaa! I was thinking that they might invite me at the media lounge! Texted them again but they just informed me that media staffs are limited and only people on the list are allowed inside. *DISAPPOINTED.

It’s past 2 o’clock in the afternoon already. I can feel everyone is all tired. Waiting for hours is really exhausting. Whenever I hear a scream, I lift up my camera and point it to where they might pass. Oh I almost forgot! Miss Kring Elenzano hosted the pre-activity before the Miss Jinri Park joined her for the press conference. They played games and winners were given tickets to the concert.


And finally, the long wait is over. The deafening screams were all over the venue as Jung Yong Hwa, Lee Jong Hyun, Kang Min Hyuk and Lee Jung Shin arrived. Holy guacamole!!! I just had a glimpse of Yong Hwa as he entered the backstage tent because various hands were blocking my view. We on the pit were like waves as everyone wanted to be in front and take a nice photo of them.  And because of that, me and my friend got bumped all over and some pulling were already puling our hair. F*@CK! I can’t really focus in taking the video.

Ms. Jinri and Ms. Kring tried to calm down everyone as everything is turning into hysteria after seeing the boys. They instructed us to move one step backward but in return, we moved two steps forward. Kekekeke. They even threaten us that if we will not behave, FNC might cancel the press conference. Aside from that, the host requested to keep quite when the interview starts as it will be recorded. Everyone agreed but did not keep their promise.

Then, the heavenly boys went out. OH MY GEEE! I wanted to scream out loud. But I was really tired. I just wanted to get out of the crowd. But at the same time, I wanted to still stay. And I did! Just for CNBlue’s sake.

Here are some of my photos of the boys.







If only I was not being pushed, this photo would have been better.

I don’t know but looking at them, I think Jung Shin is the only one who enjoyed the crowd. I didn’t expect that Min Hyuk and Jong Hyun will be silent and I can’t see them smiling naturally. Yong Hwa on the other hand has that Lee Shin aura. Maybe they were really tired from their flight and seeing the rowdy crowd. They were disappointed. Well at least they tried speaking in Tagalog and had that YongShin moment.

And since it’s just a few days before YongHwa’s birthday, the staff gave him a Simpson-themed cake. But, what about Minhyuk? Doesn’t he have one? And the blue roses, why some kept it to themselves?

After that, we left our spot because I can’t breathe anymore. Waking up early and not eating your breakfast and lunch was not worth the wait of watching the CNBlue do a 10-15-minute press conference. Yes it only lasted for a whooping 15 minutes! How cool was that? *SARCASTIC

What’s lacking on the event was the crowd control. The fanclub, event staffs and security guards really could not even pacify the crowd and keep things orderly. There was no cooperation. In addition to that, a true fangirl/fanboy should know how to follow instructions. So when they say to keep quiet and behave, you should shut up! I even heard someone at my back yelling a f@%king OTP. WTH! It’s not your OTP’s event. It’s CNBLUE’s. So zip your mouth and keep it in your pocket!

It was the WORST Hallyu event I’ve experienced. And I will never do it again. If only I’m not sick, I might be able to continue the battle and will never raise my white flag. I was just hoping that the concert the following day would lift me up again because I was really disappointed.

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