
Gamja Jorim ala Zeru

The last time I posted a potato dish was three years ago. I tried making my version of gamja (Korean glazed potato) but it turned ...

The last time I posted a potato dish was three years ago. I tried making my version of gamja (Korean glazed potato) but it turned out differently because I only used the ingredients readily available in our kitchen. This time, finally, I was able to achieve the genuine taste of gamja jorim I've been longing for. How I did it? Scroll down for the instruction.


1/4 kilos of baby potatoes
3 tablespoon of honey (or sugar)
3 tablespoon of soy sauce
2 tablespoon of sesame oil (or any cooking oil available in your kitchen)
Sesame seeds (optional)
minced garlic


1. First, make sure to wash and clean the baby potatoes to remove the dirt. You have an option to peel off the skin or not. I chose not to.
2. Boil the potatoes for 15 minutes or until it becomes a bit softer. Once done, set aside the baby potatoes.
3. Saute the minced garlic with sesame oil then add the potatoes, over medium heat.
4. Add the soy sauce and honey and keep stirring until the sauce is reduced.
5. Remove from the skillet and transfer it to a bowl.
6. Serve it with sprinkled sesame seeds over the top.

There you go! I finally know how to cook gamja.

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