
OnK Pre-Wedding Photo Session

Yosha ! After months of planning our attires, scouting venues, DIY-ing props and researching pre-wedding pegs and poses, our engagement ...

Yosha! After months of planning our attires, scouting venues, DIY-ing props and researching pre-wedding pegs and poses, our engagement session is finally done! *throws confetti. We never thought that a camera-shy couple like us was able to pull-off such pictorial. It was tiresome and yet, we enjoyed it and had fun! Thanks to my amazing hair stylist, make-up artist and photographers.

Venue: Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife / The Garden of Praise - MakeUp Room

Entrance at the park is just PHP8 per pax
Make-up Room: The Garden of Praise
PHP600 - 4hrs
Inclusions: Makeup Room with the following amenities:
Airconditioned room
With Dressing Area
With Hanger Rack for Clothes
With Props Rental
with Ample parking space
Right inside the park with good pictorial sites
with Food and beverage amenities

Our engagement shoot at Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife was scheduled last May 30. I could still remember how hesitant we are choosing Wildlife as our pre-nuptial venue. But we had to stick to our budget, so I dumped the idea of renting out a private space which will cost us more. Although, it's not that well maintained, there are still sweet spots for a nice pictorial. Aside from that, an airconditioned make-up room - The Garden of Praise is now readily available in the park for rent, where you can have your preparations.  I'm glad that they found the need for a makeup room in the park as it was not easy to just get dressed in a comfort room in that park.

The Garden of Praise Make-Up room can be availed for a very affordable rate and with complete amenities.
Source: Photo grabbed from their FB page

It's already the rainy season and we are worried as hell that we will be drenched in the rain on the day of our shoot. It rained cats and dogs the day before. Luckily, the next day, Kamisama granted us a beautiful weather. Prayer really works!

By the way, we were the only client that day and we had no one to share the room with. I guess I picked I good day for the photo session. And oh, the assistant / care taker was really nice as well. Just make sure you follow the rules, though.

HMUA: Elsie Libunao Hair and MakeUp Artistry
+63 917 503 1350 / 0939 933 5668

My brilliant makeup artist and hairstylist that day are Ms Elsie Libunao and Bimby of Elsie Libunao Hair and Make Up Artistry. I availed their prenuptial makeup service aside from the wedding package. I originally planned to just ask a friend to doll me up. But I realized that this pictorial does not happen every time so why not get her e-session service as well. And for a lady who's always been tagged as 'Manang' and 'one-of-the-boys', it will be such an experience. In addition to that, I really want to see how I look like when 'overhauled'. 

Together with my future mother-in-law and fiance's cousin, we headed to Wildlife for the shoot. Our call time with my HMUA was at 8 in the morning (My photographers' schedule was at 10am). We had to be early as the make-up and styling session is about two-hours long. Yes. Two-hours. But it was not tiring at all. Maybe, I was too amazed on how Ms. Elsie do her magic. 

After 2 hours, here's the result. Lo and behold...
(I don't like posting my photos on public websites, but for this blog's sake, I will share a snap from my MUA kekekeke)

Our hairstylist Bimby, Namjachingu, Me and Ms. Elsie, the make-up artist
Source: Photo from Ms. Elsie
When I showed these photos to my relatives, they couldn't believe that it's me. They thought that it was just a peg for makeup and just some random Asian girl. Hahaha. 

Now that's what you call a total make-over. I became a fine young lass even for a day. It's all because of my HMUA's amazing skills. Kamsahamnida!

Er Llamelo of Cupcake Cinema 
Phone: +63 905 531 0038
Jeff Angeles of Jef Angeles Photography
Phone: +63 905 324 4722
Email: jeff_rakista@yahoo.com

As soon as my talented photographers and fellow brethren arrive, Er Llamelo of Cupcake Cinema and Jeff Angeles of Jef Angeles Photography, our e-session started. The first theme was the formal part. It only took us less than an hour to finish the first part of the pictorial. 

Teaser! Photo credits to our fellow brethren Jeff Angeles

Afterwards, my favorite motif was next - highschool! I'm not sure how long we had to shoot this segment (until past noon I think?). But one thing is for sure. We had fun reminiscing our senior year. We are not yet a couple back then. However, this era had too many memories and we consider it as one of the best part of our teen life. Ugh! Time machine please!

Do we look like we are in our 30's?
Photo credits to our fellow brethren Jeff Angeles

Hi-skool Luv On <3
Photo credits to our fellow brethren Jeff Angeles

The last set was more laid back. We just had a matching checkered long-sleeve top and the pictorial lasted for almost 30 minutes. And it's over!

For a couple who's a first timer in photo shoot, this kind of pictorial will be unpleasant. But working with these two prodigious shutterbugs made it easy. We're more relaxed. They even assisted us with all the poses. It's as if we are just playing around. I just wish I'm as good as them when it comes to taking photos.

Thoughts and Tips

It's an amusing photo session. We did not feel any discomfort. But there's one thing I regret from that shoot. To bring food. I thought that the shoot will be over in three hours. We're all starving (specially me) because the pre-wedding photo session ended at 3 in the afternoon. I did not ate my breakfast that day because I took my meds early in the morning. I only had a bottle of water during the shoot. Thankfully, I was able to last within that span because right after we had our breakfast-lunch-merienda at Friuli, my hands started shaking again.

We did not brought any food for my suppliers on that day (and I realized afterwards, that we should've). I thought of just buying some snacks around the area but we were too occupied that I failed to remember. Good thing that I was able to provide an allowance. Not sure though if it is enough for them but I'm hoping that it is @_@. Embarrassing. Anyway, I promised to share some tokens to them for a job well done. Bawi na lang ako next time :(

For couples who will be also having their engagement session in the future, here are some basic tips:
  1. Research. Research. Research. You don't need an expensive venue to pull-off a breathtaking pre-wedding photo, or a top photographer/makeup artist as your team. There are lots of exceptionally skilled individuals out there that you can hire in a less expensive rate and venues that is within the budget. The key is research. 
  2. Look for pegs. While most of the couples do not have themes for the photo shoot, it is still a nice plan to have a reference for your session. In that way, your photographer will know how to direct the session.
  3. Direct and be directed. Trust and listen to your photographer because they're the expert. Believe me, they know what they are doing (that is if you hire a good one! so better research).
  4. Listen to suggestions and learn to say no at the same time. These suppliers are just sharing something they thought might be good for you and the event. If you disagree with their idea, politely decline.
  5. Do not forget to bring water and snacks. I repeat. Do not forget to bring water and snacks. Even if you'll be providing allowances to your suppliers, you still need to give them snacks and water to lessen their hunger.
  6. Enjoy the moment. I'm sure there will be butterflies in your tummies. But as soon as you get the hang of it, both of you will definitely have fun with your photo session. Just relax and be yourself.

This pictorial was a learning experience for us. We were lucky that, as first timers, our photographers and HMUA were more than willing to assist us. I was not expecting anything from my team. But they gave us an outstanding job. Even my future mother-in-law was in awe after the session. Now I recalled what my coordinator mentioned during our first meeting as he was impressed that we have booked the finest supplier within our allotted budget. 

We were blessed to team up with these exceptionally skilled suppliers.  We could not ask for more. So for future brides and grooms out there, check these amazing individuals.  

Happy Preps Minna!

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  1. Oh my god! You look adorable in these photos. Loved watching your pre wedding photo shoot. My sister too scheduled her pre wedding shoot in New York while she got married at destination Seattle Venues. Thanks for this post!

    1. Hi Wenni! Thank you so much dear! I bet your sister's engagement shoot was better. Congratulations on her wedding, by the way ^_^

  2. Pre wedding shoots of various themes and styles are quite in trend now. Many of the San Francisco venues are booked for such photography sessions. My colleague selected one of them for her in the morning and then bridal party in the evening. It saved her a lot of cost. And complementing location appeared marvelous in shoot.


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