
After more than a month of spazzing over Korea's tallest boy group, VIXX, I'm now ready to share my Utopia Public Presscon expe...

After more than a month of spazzing over Korea's tallest boy group, VIXX, I'm now ready to share my Utopia Public Presscon experience. Last May 1st, Pinoy Starlights rushed to SM Fairview's event center to see Cha Hakyeon (N), Jung Taekwoon (Leo), Lee Jaehwan (Ken), Kim Wonsik (Ravi), Lee Hongbin (Hongbin) and Han Sang Hyuk (Hyuk) (more collectively known as VIXX) for their first ever mall appearance here in the country. Fans lined up even before the malls opening to have a nice view of their idols. Arriving at the venue at around 3 in the afternoon, the event center was...

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After three years of waiting, I was able to attend popular Korean boygroup - BIG BANG's concert here in Manila, for the second time....

After three years of waiting, I was able to attend popular Korean boygroup - BIG BANG's concert here in Manila, for the second time. However, it was my first time attending a concert alone (I was with an eonnie but we're seated on different sections). Finally! I’m done uploading the recorded performances of Big Bang from their concert last Thursday. I can sense that most of us (or should I say all of us) are now having that ‘post MADE tour syndrome’. So to relive those amazing moments, I’m sharing the links of the fancams I took during the concert. Big...

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