
Wedding Ambigram

I accidentally made our couple logo last year while playing around with Photoshop. Looking at it, it gave me an idea that we can...

I accidentally made our couple logo last year while playing around with Photoshop. Looking at it, it gave me an idea that we can use it as part of our wedding invitation or souvenir. However, I find it too simple. So I decided to make endless drafts on random sheets of paper. My fiance is quite okay with the design I suggested. But he had a better idea. 'Why not make an ambigram of our names?' he said. Great idea!

By the way, what is an Ambigram? As stated in Wikipedia...
An ambigram is a word, art form or other symbolic representation, whose elements retain meaning when viewed or interpreted from a different directionperspective, or orientation.
Familiar with Dan Brown's book Angels and Demons? If you are, then you know what I'm talking about and you'll easily understand the description above.

My highschool friend's boyfriend is a famous graphic illustrator. i once saw his post doing beautiful ambigrams. So I asked him if he could make a digital ambigram which we can use for wedding purposes. He gave us a special rate because her girlfriend is our highschool classmate. Unfortunately, his professional rate is still too expensive. He quoted a 5000-php fee for a three-letter digital ambigram. Whoa~

I had to decline the deal because spending 5k is too much for just a digital design, I can't blame him because he is a professional author and graphic illustrator. I scoured the net to search for possible free online ambigram creator sites. Luckily, I found Flip Script among the numerous ambigram sites offered on the web. Just do note that the site cannot be opened on certain locations (I had to use a Danish IP address to use the site). The site is free to use. But printing the ambigram creations of your name has a fee. What I did to get the designs for free was I screenshot the preview then edited it in photoshop. I also made a handwritten version of the designs which looks better than the latter.

We still can't decide if we're using the design I suggested. But I already have in mind on how the design will look like in our souvenirs.

(Note: I'll be posting the design once we've decided on it)

Happy Preps!

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