
2NE1’s All or Nothing Manila Tour 2014

Just when I thought that I will not be able to watch Korean Girl Group, 2NE1’s 5th anniversary and All or Nothing concert, I was a...

Just when I thought that I will not be able to watch Korean Girl Group, 2NE1’s 5th anniversary and All or Nothing concert, I was absolutely wrong. For the second time, I was able to secure a ticket with good seat, few hours before the concert. Yatta!
My first plan was to just buy the regular priced lowerbox VIP ticket. But I don’t have enough money when they started ticket sales. As weeks passed, the seats I was eyeing disappeared one by one. I’m a fangirl but I don’t want to spend too much money on a seat I don’t like. Thus, let Plan B commence! I changed my  mind and decided to just scalp tickets on the day itself. 

I found sellers online offering tickets for discounted rates. To be honest, their offer was really believable. They promised that they will only pay upon entering the venue. That’s how they assure the buyers. However, when I asked for the photo of ticket as a proof , they're unable to provide it. I felt something fishy so I dropped the deal.
Before May 17th came, their group member and our very own Krung-Krung ng Pinas, Sandara Park had some series of guestings on her former station. Then when CL, Bom and Minzy arrived last Friday, they held a jam-packed public press conference at The Shang.
Then came Saturday. I went to the venue ticket-less and just hoping to get a discounted one plus a good seat. I’ve always believe in the motto, “If it’s meant to be, then it’s meant to be”. So if I will not get a ticket, it's okay. At least I was able to save my money.
My friend, who doesn't have a ticket as well, arrived at the venue earlier than expected. (By the way, she's the eonnie I’ve met during the Big Bang Alive tour concert as we were both waiting for the ticketing stalls to open the GenAd seats. However, during that time, we ended up seating at the VIP1 (me) and lowerbox (Mommy) sections! ^_^)
We were just seating in front of the ticket booth when a scalper approached us and asked if we want a complimentary suite ticket. I got up and asked him how much it was and persuaded to show the ticket to us. And it’s legit! We immediately bough it. There were three girls who didn't have tickets yet and they’re dying to see 2NE1. So we helped them out and they got the a lower box and complimentary tickets as well.
I didn’t know that when you have that ticket, you no longer have to line up to get inside. We just showed it to the guard and they let us in. By the way, the gates opened as early as 4 in the afternoon. And looking at it, the attendees of All or Nothing were lesser than the of Alive tour.
2NE1 All or Nothing Tour in Manila
View from the Premier Suites.
In all fairness, seating at the premier suites was awesome! It was very comfortable. At least I can seat down whenever tired. In addition to that, there are no rowdy fans in the area.

After a few hours, the lights were turned off, indicating the start of the concert. Everybody screamed so loud that it was deafening. I’ll just be listing down some of the concert’s best scenes in bullets.
■ Some says that the concert was sold out. But I beg to disagree. There were still seats left. I blame those fans who made reservations but did not unable claimed their seats. They should have stopped reserving seats and give it to those who are READY to buy.
■ Dara was skinny and yet adorable! As usual, she’s as crazy as before. She even forgot that Bom and Minzy did not know to speak Tagalog because she talked with them in our language. Bom looks like a doll and her voice was really powerful. She sang ‘In and Out’ so well that I’ve mistaken it was Sandara who is still singing the lines of the song.
■ Minzy now looks mature. And darn! she’s so sexy. This maknae (youngest) dance machine was daebak! And last but not the least, the ‘baddest female’ CL. Her aura that night was shouting ‘I’M THE LEADER’. She was so good and sexy. My eyes were glued on her every move.
■ They all looked beautiful and their costumes were stunning.
2NE1 All or Nothing Tour in Manila
YG’s new rising star – Winner!
■ My jaw dropped when Winner went up on stage. Everyone squealed as the boys sang Just Another Boy and Go Up. I was shouting to Song Minho and Nam Tae Hyun from start to finish. To think that these boys haven’t debuted yet but they’re already popular. Good job Papa YG! I just hope they’ll come back again in the Philippines for their solo concert. *crosses fingers
■ TaeHyun loves JULLIBEE! Hahaha he pronounced Jollibee as ju-li-bi.
■ I bet some fangirls thought Mino as GD, right?
2NE1 All or Nothing Tour in Manila2NE1 All or Nothing Tour in Manila
■ And oh those lap dance! Dara on Sam Milby, Minzy on Jason Abalos, Bom on Joross Gamboa and CL on a G-Force dancer. I wonder why CL didn’t have a celebrity partner? Hmmm
■ Boom Panes 2NE1 Version was epic. Each of them gave their own steps for Vice Ganda’s Boom Panes (although CL was not really into it hahahaha). And oh, they also did CL’s Menboong.
■ Yes Vice Ganda and Ryan Bang were there also. My unnies (older sister) saw them seated at the Skyline section.
■ CL’s performance of GZB and MTBD was the bomb! No, its not about her good-looking topless back-up dancers! Hehehe. But seriously, CL is a total performer. Hands down to the leader!
■ Talking about the back-up dancers, can you tell me the name of the guy who’s wearing the Tony Chopper hat? He’s cute right?
■ Minzy and Park Bom’s Mahal Ko Kayo greetings to the Filipino Blackjacks.
■ Because it’s their 5th debut anniversary and Sandara is here, we’ve expected that she’ll sing In or Out. And she did! Together with Minzy (doing the dance) and Bom (singing the chorus). While CL on the contrary was clueless with the dance steps (although I know that she doesn’t really want to dance on that song).
■ What I’ve noticed with 2NE1 during the concert was that they’re so at ease with the crowd. It looks like that they’re just playing and enjoying every song and dance production even with sweat dripping over their body because of the humid atmosphere.
Here are some other photos I took from the concert. Thanks to my reliable camera and camera phone (with an affordable zoom lens).
2NE1 All or Nothing Tour in Manila2NE1 All or Nothing Tour in Manila2NE1 All or Nothing Tour in Manila
All in all, it was a successful concert. I bet all the BlackJacks are still stuck on cloud nine after the concert. 

I'm really hoping to watch more concerts from my idol groups. And please Papa YG,grant our wish for a YG Family Tour.

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