
Free Talk KakaoTalk!

KakaoTalk  has finally reached the Philippines! Pinoy VIPS are still ecstatic on the recently launched Korean messenger application as the...

KakaoTalk has finally reached the Philippines! Pinoy VIPS are still ecstatic on the recently launched Korean messenger application as they aired their first commercial featuring the Popstar Princess Sarah Geronimo and the Hallyu royalty Big Bang.

Just last August 13, a teaser of an upcoming Lucky fans night on August 22 with Sarah G and TOP was posted on their official twitter account.And as KakaoTalk were finalizing the details of the event, fans on the other side of the world were dying to know all the details!

Finally, an official announcement was released last Thursday, August 15. See photo below on how to get an invite to the event:

Here’s how to win tickets to the #KakaoTalkPH Lucky Fans Day with Sarah G and Big Bang’s T.O.P.:
  • Download #KakaoTalkPH on your smartphone.
  • For Sarah fans, search & add: SarahG; For T.O.P. fans, search & add: TOPinPH
  • Leave a message why you should be chosen for the exclusive fan meet.
  • Follow and tweet about how excited you are about the #KakaoTalkPH Lucky Fans Night!

Oh yes! Winners indeed will be so lucky! It's going to be an intimate night with your idols. So guys, download KakaoTalk now! Who knows, you might get a photo op with Choi Seung Hyun!

Note: If you're having difficulty in finding SarahG or TOPinPH in your Plus Friends list, go to "FIND" and click on "ID search". Enter SarahG or TOPinPH. 

For more information you may check the following sites:

(source: KakaoTalk PH)

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