
Big Bang Alive Galaxy Manila Tour 2012 Experience Part 1

Believe me. Until now, I'm still on cloud nine after watching last Wednesday's concert. I can't even think on how to start th...

Believe me. Until now, I'm still on cloud nine after watching last Wednesday's concert. I can't even think on how to start this fan account because every time I reminisce, my feeling starts to burst again with happiness. Then I would just end up watching fan cams and looking at their photos. KYAAAA!!!

Everything was surreal. Dream like. No words can describe the feelings I have during my bias' first concert here in the Philippines.

So let me start narrating my experience. Just a warning, I'll be starting not only on the concert day itself, but also my journey before the event. This is going to be a bit long so bear with me VIPs. Kamsahamnida.

My poster-making entry which was disqualified because of not following instructions.
It should be hand-drawn. 
However it was not written in the criteria :(

Part 1: (I can’t think of an appropriate title)

Before Big Bang even announced the list of countries included for their Alive World tour, we’ve been praying hard that Philippines will be one of them. Thus we’re already saving up for the event. Then, last May, it was confirmed. OHEMGEE!!! This is my chance to see my idols perform on stage! KYAAA!!!

But a series of unfortunate events happened to me. I got sick (or should I say I’m still sick) and underwent a surgery. The money I was saving up for the concert was now reserved for my medication. I’ve also decided not to watch the concert and accepted that I will never see them. Supposedly, I planned on buying the VIP ticket. I Even filed for a vacation months before the big day. Everything has to be set aside and prioritize my health first.

I thought it was really okay not to come and party with my fellow VIPS. Considering, they are my KPop bias and I’m a certified VIP, I really did not care if I can’t see them perform live. My unnies and chingus even persuaded me countless of times to watch it and just get the cheapest ticket if I’m worried about the cost. But I was firm with my decision. My thinking was, to just buy the DVD of the tour if YG will release one. That’s what I thought.

Not until I read the PHVIP missions for the concert. I suddenly realized that it is a once in a lifetime experience and I need to be there no matter what. While reading the missions, I was imagining Big Bang singing all their hits in front of me. *screams I got ecstatic and my heart jumped to happiness. This realization happened just three weeks before the big day. Only 21 days left and I’m broke! Otoke?! Otoke?!

Because of my condition, I need someone to accompany me. I asked my namja chingu to go with me and watch the concert. He’s such a supportive boyfriend and so he agreed with my decision. *hugs and kisses. And since I’m broke, we will just buy the cheapest ticket. The seats may be too far from the boys but for sure, there will be big screens so it’s fine.

Only a week left and I still haven’t purchased the tickets. Why? Because I was still asking for my parent’s permission. Yeah. I’m already 26 and still under my parent’s loving care. But that’s our house rule ever since. And I’ve learned to live with that. And you don’t know how strict my parents are when it comes to watching concerts and getting home late. Would you believe if I say that the last time I’ve watched a concert was when I’m still on my sophomore (high school) year?! It was not even considered a concert because it was a benefit concert for the Payatas tragedy victims and was only held on our school grounds. PNE was the artist that time.

Going back, my parents did not say yes on my first attempt and on my second as well. They were worried about what’s going to happen during the concert (stampede, explosions, riots etc.etc) and for my current condition as well. Finally, the third attempt was a success. YES! I just told them that namja chingu will accompany me to the concert. I was so happy. But I know, they’re still wishing that I would change my mind and not go to the event.

The night before I was about to buy the tickets, I was informed that Gen Ad were already sold out. Huhuhuhu. I’m so hapless. Other seats are still available but I can’t spend too much for those seats. The only way I can think of was joining contests (yes, plural because I’m desperate). I slept late and tweeted for Hapee Sy’s Hapee hour and even joined the Monster RX contests sponsored by Jinri Park. There was also this doodle / drawing / poster-making contest which I failed to join. And I really hate myself because I know I can do way better than the winners. I did not win in all of the contests I’ve joined. Hahahaha. I also tried posting on group’s for VIPs selling their extra tickets. However, only few confirmed and those who replied to me offered it for a higher price, I’m desperate but I’m still sane so I did not take the bait.

My poster-making entry which was disqualified because of not following instructions.
It should be hand-drawn. 
However it was not written in the criteria :(

I don’t want to give up and forget my dream to see GDragon, T.O.P, Daesung, Seungri and Taeyang. It was really frustrating. UGGGH! So I asked my boss, which is also a Big Bang fanatic, that I will go on a half-day. Gladly, she confirmed my leave ^_^.

Part 2: The Big Day

I woke up early to check the web for the ticket updates. I’ve been trolling Hapee Sy on twitter and voila! She tweeted that gen ad tickets are still available at the venue! Yay! I contacted my unnies and asked them if they could go to the Arena ticketing booth and get me two gen ad tickets, because they’re already at the venue. However, while I was fixing my things, unnie texted that there were no tickets left :( I was really sad but I did not give up. My mindset that day was if I can’t get the tickets I want, at least I was there to support them. That’s enough for me. So I asked my boss again to let me go on a full day leave. After my boss’s confirmation, I hurriedly get my things and head to MOA (I packed my things earlier and charged my digital camera’s battery ahead of time just in case.)

Arriving at MOA around 1PM, I immediately searched for the ticketing booth. I was so envious of these fanboys and fangirls lining up for the different booths situated outside the arena. I wanted to take a photo of me with my friends on the alive tour mural, on those standees at the Jeju Air booth, join the contests at the Samsung Galaxy stall, buy official YG merchandise at the YG booth etc. etc. I’ve wanted to do all of these things on the event. I have to set these aside because my main purpose was to get an affordable ticket. And besides, my money is not enough to buy those stuff.

bigbang alive tour in manila,
bigbang alive tour in manila,
YG Merchandise shop was jampacked. 
I wanted to buy everything on that booth but my budget was not enough.
Finally, I found the ticketing area. However, a handwritten post on the wall stated that General Admission seats are no longer available. My heart crushed into pieces. Should I stop here and forgot my dream? But my never say never attitude prevailed. And so I’ve waited. There, I met Mommy Tess, a working mom who claims she’s Kim Hyun Joong’s girlfriend, and Laine, an ELF (Super Junior fan). All three of us just want to try our luck if we can still get seats. But if the clock hits 7pm and we still don’t have tickets, then we’ll just go home.

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In just a few hours, these gates will open and the concert will start. 
But still no tickets for me :(

It was the longest wait I had. I haven’t eaten my lunch and so I can’t take my daily meds as well. The rain started to pour and the weather became gloomy. The sun was about to set and still no sign that they’ll open the GA seats. Tired and exhausted. I’ve asked the girl on the counter again and showed her Happee Sy’s tweet. They don’t have any idea. CRAP!

bigbang alive tour in manila,
Fantastic Baby was playing and the VIPs party like there's no tomorrow. 
And the screams were so loud! I wish I was part of the crowd.

While still waiting, I browsed my FB account hoping that I can see good news. I first checked the groups if someone replied to my posts. There was none. Then, there was a message on my inbox. It was from a HS friend. She was asking me if I’ll be watching the concert. I told her that I’m already at the venue as early as 1pm but still doesn’t have a single ticket. Her reply was the best news on that day. She’s offering me a lower box seat way half of its price!!!!!!! WHOA! I was shaking. This is it. I can REALLY watch the concert now. And after waiting for four long hours, I can see them now in the flesh *cries

I texted namja chingu about the offer and he allowed me to go with my friend instead of him (such a supported boyfriend. GOD knows how much I love him for spoiling me). ^________^

My friend arrived past 7 o’clock. This is the first time we’ve seen each other after our highschool graduation. Honestly, we are not that close. But I can still say that we’re good friends though.

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Lower box tickets! Sorry, I had to delete some details as per request.

We were lucky that we don’t have to line up on that very long queue because these VIPs did not noticed that there were still three gates open.. We just followed some random people and VOILA! We’re in. By the way, I was able to sneak in my camera. The security thought that I was hiding it inside my wallet/pouch and told me to open it. Hahaha. Thanks to my magic sling bag!

I never thought that there were so many Filipino VIPs. We’ve seen kids and teens with their parents and grandparents. Awesome!

Jessie’s friend suddenly called her, when we were about to go to the lower box section. She asked us to come down at the lobby and get our tickets again. While waiting, I bought the official Alive Tour lightstick, which is 300php less, than what was sold outside the arena. Now, I’m broke but I can fangirl more hehehe. Then her friend came back and guess what! OUR SEATS WERE UPGRADED FROM LB TO VIP1. WAAAAAAAAH!  WAAAAAHHHHHH! *screams more. We asked her if it's really true or she’s just making fun of us, but it’s really true that we will be seated just inches away from the stage. *cries

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Now I have my weapon. VIPs unite!
From Lower Box seats to VIP1. Thank you Lord!
I can’t explain the happiness I felt upon hearing the good news. Just a few hours ago I was losing hope of not seeing Big Bang and here I am now seating n the most expensive seat. I was so thankful that all I’ve done has paid off. Can I cry now?

We still can’t believe how lucky we were. In a blink of an eye, we are now seated in the priciest section of the tour. But there’s more. The surprise doesn’t end here. We’re in row D. Her friend called again and advised us to switch places to row B. ENOUGH OF THIS! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! The only things now that will separate us from the boys are the railings and speakers. Without that, I can freely touch them. *teary eyed. Again, we’re shocked. So, this is what really a VIP treatment is all about. Speechless.

Third part will be posted soon...

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  1. Please post the next part. I'm getting excited!!!


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