
Some good things are  never meant last. As much a we want to stay here in South Korea, we need to bid goodbye and return to Manila. So her...

Some good things are  never meant last. As much a we want to stay here in South Korea, we need to bid goodbye and return to Manila. So here's the final post from my South Korea adventure last Autumn of 2016. We woke up early to catch the bus heading to Incheon International Airport. We don't want to be late and get offloaded so it is always better to be early on our flight. But before that, we bid farewell to our guesthouse. Our home for the past three days, K-Guesthouse Insadong was awesome. It was a bit...

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Photo credits: Bench Are you one of the fans that missed Park Hyung Sik's 2017 funmeet? You're not alone. My heart shattered ...

Photo credits: Bench Are you one of the fans that missed Park Hyung Sik's 2017 funmeet? You're not alone. My heart shattered when I was not able to attend the event last November 2017 as we were bound to Taiwan that time. But worry no more as Bench  granted our wish and he will be back this February 16 for another event with his loyal subjects. The 27-year South Korean singer (ZE:A member) and drama actor starred on The Heirs, High Society, Hwarang and Suits naming the few. He got his biggest break after portraying the role of a gaming...

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